'An Uncomfortable relationship with Masculinity' - Virtual Exhibition 08/04/2020

So due to the Covid 19 pandemic, instead of being together and making new work at the Barbican within their Masculinities exhibition as part of Scottee and Friends event ‘An Uncomfortable Relationship with Masculinity’, we presented previously unseen work from our project ‘People Like Us’ on social media like a virtual exhibition and were overwhelmed by the comments and support we received.

It was such a lovely interaction during this time of isolation with some beautiful thoughtful text and comments.

An Uncomfortable Relationship with Masculinity - Scottee and Friends Event

This evening we were booked to do a live photoshoot for our ongoing project ‘People Like Us’ at Scottee and Friends event 'An Uncomfortable Relationship with Masculinity', which was planned to happen within the ‘Masculinities’ photography exhibition at the Barbican. We were to be positioned in the gallery showing Catherine Opie’s series ‘Being and Having’ from 1991.

Barbican Installation View

Barbican Installation View

Although the projects demographic and intentions are different there is an interesting dialogue between Opie’s images and ours.

“The 13 photographs that make up ‘Being and Having’ consist of close-up portraits of Opie’s friends from the alternative club scene at the time, sporting fake facial hair and other stereotypical masculine accessories. Carefully posed against a yellow backdrop, the subjects gaze directly at the camera while they playfully borrow these masculine signifiers and mimic ‘manliness’.” (Barbican)

Catherine Opie - Being and Having - 1991

Catherine Opie - Being and Having - 1991

Our project ‘People Like Us’ being created 18 years later with friends from London’s queer performance community and beyond uses a similar direct gaze taking an unapologetic stance, but rather than borrowing masculine signifiers to mimic ‘manliness’, the participants - all AFAB (assigned female at birth) take aspects of so-called masculinity for themselves and transcend ‘manliness’, rather than mimic it they own it and redefine it, continuing the conversation that Opie and others set out.

At tonights event, TOGETHER participants would have been TAKING UP SPACE, BEING SEEN and INFILTRATING an exhibition which lacks the presence of ‘People Like Us’.

So due to the inevitable closure of the Barbican we decided to use this date to share some of the work we have made together so far, both here and on social media.


TONIGHT at about 7pm there will be a multi-drop of images being released from the project on Instagram and other platforms so keep an eye out for those and follow participants: @brumble_hag, @georgeousmichael, @azaram, @trainwithbecca, @stampchiron, @prinxchiyo, @laurabridgeman, @felixislucky, @jen_smethurst, @krishnaistha, @mxleomilk, @lucy.hutson, @sabah.c, @kayisagay

Thanks for your time and to see more from the project head over to Projects

PEOPLE LIKE US - Work in Progress

PEOPLE LIKE US is a participatory photography project exploring AFAB (assigned female at birth) trans and non-binary identities and experience; masculinity, gender dysphoria and gender euphoria, cis expectations and the magic of gender non-conforming bodies, why they are or are not looked at, rituals and individual complexities.

I began this project about 18 months ago with a few friends who make up some of the 10 participants now involved who include Jen Smethurst, Krishna Istha, Sabah Choudhury, Azara Meghie, Felix Lane, Lucy Hutson, Chiron Stamp and Anna Wates, plus I’ll be working with more people in the new year as the project expands.

When I started the project I didn’t know what it would look like like, I just knew what I didn’t want to do which was a series of sombre editorial portraits. It is also very important that the work is collaborative and that the participants have autonomy over their images, they possess them.


Starting with chats over tea and spicy ginger beers, I soon found that this was a very welcome project from the participants and that they trusted me to do it which was affirming and exciting. It came about when I realised that I knew quite a number of AFAB people who identify as non-binary and trans within our community and I felt they weren’t getting as much attention as others perhaps, but more to the point they had something very interesting to say. A friend had started to trial a new name and I was learning about some of their issues and dilemmas. Another friend had come out as non-binary and was literally bouncing about the scene as if they’d been born again, I was learning what it was to really ‘see’ my friends as they took about being ‘seen’ themselves.

“Being visible isn't always possible or safe but being seen for who you truly are is a beautiful thing”. (participant quote)

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initial shoots have taken place in the studio and have become a space for continuing the dialogue, both in conversation and through image making.

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Binding has been a popular subject due to the day to day issues of dealing with breasts both physically and emotionally. Along with documenting various situations and forms, we have also used humour to play with the absurdity and difficulties in concealing ones chest area.

We have discussed bodies and how they don’t conform to cis expectations and why should they. Some of the participants are on T (testosterone) as hormone therapy , some are not but people often assume they are because apparently AFAB bodies are hair free for example - well this project disproves that one and shows real bodies.


The messiness of gender is very much at the heart of this project, as well as celebrating the magic of gender non-conforming bodies and the humans within.

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The images below are a peak into a series of portraits (yet to be revealed) that make up part of the project which searches for a state of gender euphoria and also plays with campness, sexiness and the homoerotic showing the beauty and empowerment of the participants.

This is just a snapshot of the beginning of a long project which will carry on the conversation, work with more people and follow the lives of some of the participants as their identities continue to grow.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and watch this space for more from the project in the new year!


LOTS of our photographs are now published in Scottee’s book; Scottee:I Made It.

Art and the Self: What did Narcissus see? DIY with Nando Messias

Another week another DIY - this time I was assisting Nando Messias on their DIY workshop ‘Narcissism’ at the Freud Museum with another amazing group of artists. What’s so great about these LADA (Live Art Development Agency) DIYs is the coming together of artists who you might be aware of or might never have heard off spending quality time together, making, creating and discussing.


Day 1 of the workshop included a seminar on narcissism led by psychoanalyst Tamar Schonfield, a discussion on the intersections between art and narcissism, including 'selfie' culture, a survey of self-portraiture in photography sharing inspirations and some drawing exercises.

Day 2 was all about the participants making their own individual self-portraits with my assistance which was like a photo-shoot mini-marathon!

And then we made an image together and I got to be a narcissist too!

Augusto took it further and created this.

Augusto took it further and created this.

And then we made ourselves edible for the DIY picnic with this cake!

And then we made ourselves edible for the DIY picnic with this cake!

Published work

Published work in a trilogy of zines by Pilot Press.


Following our Transformance collaboration with Tempting Failure, our collective DARC (Documentation Action Research Collective) hosted a LADA (Live Art development Agency) DIY. This happened over 3 days in October at Dance4 in Nottingham with 11 participants; Fenia Kotsopoulou, Alisa Oleva, Samuel Barry, Maddy Costa, Paul Hughes, Bettina Fung, Xinyue Zhang, Andrew Hayes, Hector Dyer, Noa Carvajal, Priya Mistry, and us; Holly Revell, Tara Fatehi Irani, Ernst Fischer, Jemima Yong, Manuel Vason.

Transformance is a practice-as-research project, a process of artistic exchange and creation, in which live performance, documentation, translation and transformation meet.

Transformance is a practice-as-research project, a process of artistic exchange and creation, in which live performance, documentation, translation and transformation meet.

The workshop seeked to blur the lines between live performance and documentation. The idea, to generate a hybrid live practice by bringing together photography, video, drawing, writing and alternative forms of documentation, over the 3 days at Dance4.


We put together a programme of exercises and discussions concerning creative responses to live performance, and the ‘translational’ relationship between performance and its documents, exploring what remains (and does not remain) of a performance, and the seeming contradiction governing notions of the ephemeral and the fixed.

Traces of Performance - capturing what might remain using light sensitive materials.

Exercises on liveness in the act of photography 

Collective documentation via writing, drawing, movement and sound

Exercises on memory and the body as tools for documentation

We had a social on the Saturday night where I learnt more about Fenia’s Vulvography, here’s an image she made in her Vulvamera during the workshop!

We had a social on the Saturday night where I learnt more about Fenia’s Vulvography, here’s an image she made in her Vulvamera during the workshop!

DARC are so proud that this DIY brought together such an amazing array of artists with strong practices who were all open to new experiments and discussions; this multidisciplinarity made the experience extremely rich and polyphonic.


And here’s a video capturing some of the activities from the 3 days.

2017 Highlights

Here we go again has another year passed already?! However looking back I seem to have squeezed lots in! 

Of course creating, publishing and launching my first photo-book was the biggest highlight of the year and probably of my career so far, it pretty much took over my life since its October launch and there's still work to be done re distribution but it's been worth every hour!! (see previous blog for more). 

I also made my first zine 'PAM', which I did in conjunction with the book and found to be a lighter way to reproduce material... expect more of these this year! 

I was extremely proud to work with Nando Messias on his seminal piece 'Where four roads meet: death and the sissy', where he killed off all 3 characters in an emotive performance. I made the gallery portrait with him as well as shooting the production shots for the show. 


I really enjoyed working with Hackney Showroom on their first full theatre production 'Frau', which involved making the promotional images, a trailer and the productions shots. 


Working as a photography mentor on Milk Present's production Bullish which addresses trans-masculine identities was a wonderful job with some fantastic results for the accompanying exhibition. Scroll down to full blog on this. 

I have continued to document most of Scottee's work which continues to evolve and challenge vehicles for queer performance, in exciting, controversial and original ways. I've travelled the country rain and shine with my camera in order to preserve his work which appears in the most peculiar of places from his living room to a boxing club! I absolutely love working with him and being in his gang of weirdos! VIDEOS here

I've worked on making portraits with some more amazing people this year and intend to do many more, these will go alongside the live documentation I have shot over the years for an upcoming book in 2020...

I have talked at a number of events about my work this year including 'The Manchester Drag Symposium', DARC Sully night and VFD 'Recording Queer Histories' with Lavinia Co-op and Lyall Hakaraia. I find this exciting, nerve wracking and well worthwhile. 


Our collective DARC continues to find its feet and evolve since its launch last year and we have recently received arts council funding to develop our project 'Transformance'; a practice-as-research project where live performance, documentation, translation and transformation meet. We will be dedicating our time to this in 2018 with related Sully nights


I'm really excited about this new year; I'll be working with Scottee on his 10 year publication 'I made it', along with my own archive which may be finding its own prestigious home... ! I will continue my portrait work with notable queer performers and hopefully get more nice gigs like some of those listed here! 

Thanks for reading! 



October 2017: I couldn't have wished for a more fabulous launch party, it really was epic! A lot or our wonderful crowd-funders appeared to grab their copies along with a variety of characters from the community and beyond. David and Nick read from the book before entering into a dialogue with me about the making of the book and our working relationship... I was slightly tongue tied and overwhelmed but I think I did ok! 

Its been non stop since the launch with admin for the crowdfunder (the price you pay for a successful one!), posting books, promotion, doing stalls at various events and further distribution... 

We've had some lovely press, some of which I've rounded up here.

ID: https://i-d.vice.com/en_uk/article/vb349b/the-parallel-universe-of-david-hoyle?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=dlvr.it

Run Riot: http://www.run-riot.com/articles/blogs/parallel-universe-holly-revell-photographing-and-collaborating-david-hoyle

Loverboy: http://www.loverboymagazine.com/david-hoyle-parallel-universe/

This is cabaret: http://www.thisiscabaret.com/david-hoyle-holly-revell-went-one-night-lasted-three-years/

Huck: http://www.huckmagazine.com/art-and-culture/print/david-hoyle-performance/ 

And David was a guest on radio 4's Loose Ends in November where both he and Clive Anderson mentioned the book! 

As well as my website and some pop up stalls I've managed to get the book into a number of prestigious book shops in London including Foyles, The Photographers Gallery, Gays the Word, Donlon Books, Bookseller Crow and LADA Unbound. Watch this space for further availability, I'm hoping to stretch beyond London in the new year. It is also available to view in the queer archives at Bishopsgate institute and LADA's (Live Art Development Agency) library. 

I love hearing people's comments on the book and seeing snaps of it in their homes!

" 'Being Photographed Shows That Someone Gives a Shit' is a quote from David Hoyle.... taken from a wonderful catalogue of beautiful, truthful and graphic portraits by the inspirational photography of Holly Revell. Parallel Universe' chronicles the life and times of one of the most outstanding, revolutionary and considerate (avant garde) performers that this country has ever had or will be likely to be emulated ever again, the One the Only David Hoyle.
To quote Dorian Black/Dusty Limits (in the book) 'If David Hoyle didn't exist we'd have to invent him. But hardly anyone has that kind of imagination'.
It's a rollercoaster of an insight to this remarkable, historical and most majestic of performance artists. Thank you Holly for your vision, brilliance and moving Portrayal.... and being a conduit into the avant-garde". Lenard Pink

"There is some great community in there with real friends of mine like Lois Keiden, Christeene, and Bougeoise and Maurice and other lovely people I don’t know well, It comes complete with many of David Hoyle's paintings. I am going to set it up on a book stand and have David’s paintings like a daily mantra ! Believe me you need this book! Parallel Universe. It is an all purpose oracle!" Penny Arcade

"Never had a coffee table book before. This shall replace ALL my furniture". Darren Etherington


So with over half of the limited edition sold, I wonder what 2018 will bring for the book? I plan to get it into university libraries, The British Library, more art institutions and shops outside of London... watch this space and THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us so far and or bought the book!!

'David Hoyle: Parallel Universe' - Gomer Press Visit

Last week David Caines; my designer and I went over to Wales to visit the great people at Gomer to check in on the printing process and do a final check of the proofs.

It was fascinating to see the whole process and WOW I couldn't ask for more eye popping luscious colours - I'm so happy with the quality - its well worth doing things properly!

It was fascinating to see the whole process and WOW I couldn't ask for more eye popping luscious colours - I'm so happy with the quality - its well worth doing things properly!

And so exciting to finally see my work in print - blimey they get through up to 150 of these sheets to get the colours right - thats a lot of recycling but I carried as many back as I could manage - they'll make great wallpaper! 

And so exciting to finally see my work in print - blimey they get through up to 150 of these sheets to get the colours right - thats a lot of recycling but I carried as many back as I could manage - they'll make great wallpaper! 

Dillan our printer fine tuning every page.

Dillan our printer fine tuning every page.

These are the 'end-papers', I've learnt some new words doing this project! 

These are the 'end-papers', I've learnt some new words doing this project! 

The printing plates are really cool - wish I could have bought these back with me. 

The printing plates are really cool - wish I could have bought these back with me. 

All printed and ready to go - one final proof to check although I can't imagine we'll be able to change anything now and then it just needs binding before I have 500 books landing on my doorstep!The official launch party is on Wednesday the 18th Oct…

All printed and ready to go - one final proof to check although I can't imagine we'll be able to change anything now and then it just needs binding before I have 500 books landing on my doorstep!

The official launch party is on Wednesday the 18th October at the Bethnal Green Working Mens Club. 

Gillet Square 'Everyday People'

I first started working with some of the 'regulars' of Gillet Square, Dalston in 2013 when I collaborated with social documentarist Roland Ramanan  setting up a Photo Booth to make some artistic portraits in my signature painterly style of the time which would contrast with Roland's often raw black and white documentation of the people. 

I have since returned on a number of occasions to make positive street portraits with the same group of people... 

some of which were then exhibited in and around the square as part of Photomonth and the Dalston Street Show last year... 

These visits have resulted in me facilitating a series of workshops starting today with some of the regular users of the square and other locals where they will be getting behind the camera and taking control of the documentation of their environment... I can't wait to see what they come up with!! 

A New Muse!

I met Laurie at the Manchester Drag Symposium, they came up to me after my talk and quietly complimented me on my work, I was immediately taken with this beautiful seemingly shy creature and we kept in touch after the event... So when I returned to Manchester a few weeks later we made a date for a photoshoot. 

I arrived to a hungover and sleep deprived Laurie and we laughed at the fact that there was a builder literally filling the other side of their window delicately painting the sill (and blocking my main light source to my horror!) 

This was only our second meeting so we chatted, had a laugh and looked at some art work and inspiration. I asked Laurie about Violet Blonde; their drag character - I wasn't prepared for the hard truth of why they'd created such a monstrous drag persona but took it in my stride as ever and understood the desire to go against the grain... 

However I was here to shoot Laurie as that was the person I had met and become interested in. What I LOVE about photography and particularly photographing people in their homes is the intimacy it creates - a precious couple of hours or so really getting to know someone and connecting with them. If there's a bit of a vibe between you, you know it's gonna be a good shoot and its integral to the photos you make together...

After an initial bout of the giggles and apologies for the chain smoking we got to work (by which point the builder had gone thankfully!) It felt very natural from the start and I wanted to catch Laurie's spirit, his sweetness and a sense of freeness... It was playful and lots of fun - we just clicked in both senses of the word!! 

I left Laurie's with a skip and a hop, that old familiar feeling of falling in love a bit, meeting a new muse and having had a beautiful afternoon and a creative exchange with another artist. I left them resting before their next gig judging a drag competition later that night... and no doubt another adventure... !! 

I'm currently collecting people I am drawn to within our community for a book of 'beautiful queers' to be produced in the future...  



The Manchester Drag Symposium

What a BRILLIANT day - held at manchester Central Library which is rather grand and funded by the Heritage Lottery, there's obviously an interest in drag as a subject for discussion and I felt honoured to be invited to present my work amongst performers, academics and historians. 

Some hi-lites for me included the British Library who presented some archival material specific to Manchester such as newspaper articles reporting men being arrested for that 'age old sin' of wearing 'women's clothing' and a fascinating radio programme titled 'The Night People' from 1966 where Barbara McDonald explored the streets of Manchester after midnight and spoke to those 'other' people such as Homosexuals!! Jacob Bloomfield's paper 'Soldiers in skirts: Cross-Dressing Veterans in the 20th century English Stage' was an interesting romp through a very British social history!! And it was really interesting to hear about other people's projects such as Timberlina and Lisa Lee's Mothers Ruin and Mark Edward's Council House Movie Star! It was all GREAT!

Here's a few slides from my presentation...

YES - Drag artists and photographers make great friends!! But when there's so many wonderful pictures out there and the queens are so good at documenting themselves - what can you do to be original and interesting?! Why add to the millions of p…

YES - Drag artists and photographers make great friends!! But when there's so many wonderful pictures out there and the queens are so good at documenting themselves - what can you do to be original and interesting?! Why add to the millions of pictures now out there? The world is full of photographers and drag artists... !

I guess my work is as much about the individuals as it is about drag and thats a start - getting closer to them and taking part in their lives... finding out why and how... it's a life long project... 

Of course I spoke about David and our work together - I LOVE this quote from an interview we did and him saying things like that to me gave me the confidence to pursue documenting him more intimately without worrying that I was being a nuisance...!&…

Of course I spoke about David and our work together - I LOVE this quote from an interview we did and him saying things like that to me gave me the confidence to pursue documenting him more intimately without worrying that I was being a nuisance...! 

Haha this is where it all began for me - with the wonderful Kenny Everett - I remember coming home from school and putting on my shiny blue sports shorts (the closest I had to french knickers) and swinging my legs around "in the best possible taste"…

Haha this is where it all began for me - with the wonderful Kenny Everett - I remember coming home from school and putting on my shiny blue sports shorts (the closest I had to french knickers) and swinging my legs around "in the best possible taste"!! I've always been drawn to men in dresses!! 

I showed work from my project TRANSFORMATIONS which is about the process of drag and the connections the performers have with their drag selves... 

I showed work from my project TRANSFORMATIONS which is about the process of drag and the connections the performers have with their drag selves... 

I talked about some recent ideas based around drag, the body and the work that goes into it...

I talked about some recent ideas based around drag, the body and the work that goes into it...

and the marks and scars it leaves behind...

and the marks and scars it leaves behind...

I also showed this response to drag post Rupaul from Scottee over a year ago as I think it was very clever... He's "divorced" drag now as he doesn't feel he needs it to say the things he wants to say and he realised he just likes wearing 'women's' c…

I also showed this response to drag post Rupaul from Scottee over a year ago as I think it was very clever... He's "divorced" drag now as he doesn't feel he needs it to say the things he wants to say and he realised he just likes wearing 'women's' clothes so he does that on the day to day now... 

I'm pursuing a number of ideas around drag and the performers I'm interested in at the moment and have lots more research to pursue. I hope to have my David Hoyle photo book out later this year and will be revealing more about 'The Drag Files'... 

The symposium provided a wealth of inspiration and was as much a day of research for me as it was an opportunity to share my work - I am extremely grateful to Jez Dolan for inviting me to take part and to all the kind people who gave me such positive feedback! Gotta keep going!! 

2016 Some Highlights!

I've had a few exhibitions this year! I finally showed my project TRANSFORMATIONS both at Limewharf and at the Glory where I also took to the stage and did a talk about my work with the one and only Dr. Sharon Husbands! My opening at Lime Wharf was a dream with performances from Ginger Johnson  and Fabulous Russella who pulled out all the stops! Huge props to Tam Vibert for her support and encouragement too!

and... OMG the Glory made coasters with some of my images to celebrate the show!!! 

I also had some portraits on show in Gillet Square which I made with some of the 'Regulars' and I showed work in group shows; 'We R' for pride and the Dalston Street show, part of Photomonth .

Our collective D.A.R.C. has expanded and we have put on a number of events in our studio space in east London, as well as a workshop at Roehampton university. This year we will be focussing on a new project 'Transformance' which invites performers to collaborate in the making of documentation for new performance work. 

I worked with MA and PHD students at Central School of Speech and Drama making promotional images and documenting their research based performance work with a view to doing some workshops on image making from performance practices...

I continue to work with wonderful Scottee documenting his work and making portraits with him, some of which have been published...

and of course David Hoyle's live performances and backstage portraits... 

 It was a momentous occasion when Christeene returned to renew her wedding vows with David!

Last year I spent a lot of time collating and collaging my pictures of David Hoyle from the last 6 years to make a photobook which will be published this year! 

I had a great time over the summer working on portraits with a number of BRILLIANT people from our community - an ongoing project which will become a book and an exhibition in the future... Watch out - I'll be calling you!!

I continued to work in-house for The Glory and their events along with some promotional images with Jonny woo and co.

and for Duckie documenting their big events and doing a Photo Booth for their 21st birthday party where the punters had to strip for pics - what a hoot!! 

I worked with Nando Messias on his promotional images and documentation for his brilliant new show 'Shoot the Sissy'. 

My pop up photo-studio SHOWOFF has made a couple of appearances including one where I worked with the lovely Darren Evans 'make up artist of the stars' doing 5 minute David Hoyle faces! 

I have also loved meeting and working with some exciting new young performers this year!!

My first gig with Fender (hopefully one of many!) Here I worked with the lead guitarist from the Fews showing off his new guitar! They were supporting the Pixies at Brixton Academy and there's Joey Santiago in that backstage snap! 

To end the year I went on a tour of Penge with local poet Barbara Brownskirt taking promotional photographs for her upcoming solo show this year - a truly bizarre and wonderful day out indeed!! 

So that was a selection from the many wonderful people I've worked with over the past year. Watch this space to see new projects begin to unravel and others hopefully reaching fruition... !!  

THANKS for reading!!  


It's been a busy year for me with my freelance cabaret and performance photography work, and in developing some personal projects ready for fruition and exhibition next year, so why not have a look back at some of the highlights!

I was very proud to do the promotional imagery and videos for Scottee's Hamburger Queen - the final season.




 and of course to document the show for the third year running both in pictures and in video.






I have made numerous videos for Scottee this year so have set up a playlist just for them


So happy to be part of Scottee Inc. and his Hamburger Queen family!

HBQ family grid

I continued my work as the official photographer for Duckie's major events which has been a blast and Duckie are wonderful to work for!









I met CHRISTEENE and fell head over heals in love with her and those ponies!!




But she fell in love with David and they got married at Vogue(waye) Fabrics!


However, I was their wedding photographer and videographer!


I was in a fantastic group exhibition called Sin in My Heart which was curated by 'two little birds' Paul Darling and Peter Gwyn and I was proud to be exhibiting alongside David Hoyle, Lee Baxter, Jamie McLeod, Matthew Straddling and many more... we showed in Manchester and in London


as well as having work on the wall, I had my DARKROOM installation which was a huge success, making lots of new friends and collaborators in this intimate setting...




Here's a video of the space we had in London


The Edinburgh Festival is always a treat of course!





Working with Scottee and his gang at Bestival has been a highlight of my year for 3 years running now!




I have also been shooting more for LADA and their events and shows such as Steakhouse Live and their charity auction...






This led me to discovering LADA's DIY initiative and I participated in an intense 4 day workshop with Live Art Photographer extraordinaire Manuel Vason called 'The Photo Performer' - OMG how could I have not have done this workshop - it was so good to meet like minded people who exist somewhere between performance and photography like me... it was both physical and theoretical and just what I needed in terms of taking my performance documentary work further, contextualising it and reconfirming its validity and importance... next year is looking to be very exciting in terms of taking this forward and collaborating with others...



I also did a 3 day workshop with Anders Peterson which was equally fantastic - he is a master and was so generous in what he gave us - it was a weekend of pure photo indulgence! I had a portfolio review which has given me the confidence to complete a couple of projects I had ongoing and plan for exhibition next year, I was also given invaluable advice on a longer term book project which I knew needed to get deeper - I am so excited about executing this work in the new year!!


Shooting David Hoyle's London shows is an ongoing pleasure and obsession!

'Still Life'







'Illustration' RVT






'I Victim' Chelsea Theatre



... and this has led to an intimate relationship back stage where David has given me full access to document him pre-show, post-show and in the intervals during his shows - we are working on making a book with these images and some other stuff from the 'Parallel Universe'.




I created a 'Living picture' at the RVT during one of David's shows - a photographic installation mirroring the stage with our own platform opposite where the audience could join in and create pictures with my beautiful assistants Zachariah Fletcher and Alfie Ordinary... a lit variation of my DARKROOM...



...when Pippa Dee stripped off and joined the picture she cmpletely and deservedly stole the show!!


I have shot so many wonderful artists this year and seen some amazing shows - I love working with these people and really enjoy the role I play in the community and the connection the camera helps to enable with other artists...  a few of many here...

Borgeoise and Maurice



Ben Walter's eclectic variety show 'Come with me if you want to Live'






So I am now working to finish a few projects ready for exhibition Easter time... and am looking for venues - please get in touch if you have any ideas!!

'Boy with...' is a series of pictures based on old master paintings of 'girls with ... ' something such as Vermeer's 'girl with a pearl earing'


boy with fur 3(eye-lighten)

'TRANSformations' features drag artists and the transition back to their original self all in one shot...




'Performance Portraits' capture the essence of a full performance or concept in 1 image.



Thanks so much for joining me in my look back - it's been a FANTASTIC year and I am very excited about 2015!! Stay with me if you like pictures like these!!

Last night I was of course with Scottee at his ultimate NYE party CAMP and look here he is - Eeeeek I have an edit to do now so best be off ... no rest for the wicked!!



Following the success of our show in Manchester - SIN N MY HEART came to London for its second coming at the perfect venue - a dungeon in North London called the Bunker. Here's a quick video of the show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRMqgYq1xEQ&feature=youtu.be

My DARKROOM installation was open for business once again and we made some stunning pictures. This time I had my faithful assistant and collaborator Zach Fletcher to lend a hand in his own special way - he certainly added a certain draw to the DARKROOM for some and features in many of the images made!!

                                    IMG_0684            IMG_0683

Friday night started with the liberation of a series of women posing nude or semi-nude for the first time...  I love it when this happens - new people pushing their personal boundaries and taking home new experiences and hopefully feeling a little more confident or fulfilled in their daily lives...

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We had some beautiful men in too making classic images ...

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People became very playful and were having fun - the camera facilitates this HAPPENING of actions and intimacy - participants are playing to the camera - it allows people to exagerate themselves and play out their desires...

"It's like the camera gives you the licence to take of your clothes and create a scenario" (participant saturday night)

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... and as the evenings progressed, the wine and conversation flowed around the dungeon and things got quite steamy down our corridor - the venue of course lent itself to a more sexual experience and our art lovers took the opportunity to fully experience the powers of the DARKROOM...

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... and finally here's Paul Darling - without him and his colleague Peter Gwyn none of this would have happened - massive LOVE and respect to these 'two little birds' who put the show together and whole heartedly support the queer arts... !


TRANSformations (work in progress)

Working with drag artists, these images are about the transformation back from drag to boy; I am fascinated by the way many artists I know take forever lovingly applying the drag for a performance or shoot… but cannot get it off quick enough at the end, armed with baby wipes they return to their former self in minutes.

GINGER-DONALD-306-SECS                     'Ginger to Donald in 306 seconds'

The images record that transition starting with a posed portrait in drag, the exposure keeps going while they wipe it all off and put their boy or day clothes on and are repositioned to complete the image. The length of time it takes to remove the drag makes the title of the picture.

MYRA-GARETH-499-SECS                            'Myra to Gareth in 499 seconds'

Harking back to early portraiture, I use long exposures and limited light sources in order to capture the transitions. Some of them also echo spirit photography and the viewer may well question is that really the same person in  the image - perhaps they challenge the notion of the photograph as a truthful image. They capture a period of time where something is happening, a change is being made in one single frame or image.

SHARON-JUSTIN-277-SECS'Sharon to Justin in 277 seconds'

They evidence the person behind the drag and reveal the often, contrasting characters. They record traces of post performance fatigue and the melancholy that can often follow a show after the adrenalin runs out...

Sometimes I find it difficult to shoot the performers I know when they are not in character or drag as I haven't studied them as hard off stage; I know their character's moves and expressions and so do they - they are used to being photographed in all their glory but can become awkward or a bit stiff without the face and clothes... (sometimes not always!!)


'Scottee in 297 seconds'

It is interesting to see how they position themselves from their drag character to their natural selves and the way they interact  with their two selves - it is a collabortive process and I want to get as much as I can of the relationship they have with their character in the image.


'Tom Harlow in 263 seconds'

I have a fair number of people who I want to work with for this project and once it is finished I plan to make large prints for an exhibition in London next year so watch this space!


'Divine to Zach in 381 seconds'